
I am a board approved supervisor for Provisional Psychologists (completing the 4+2 pathway or 5+1 pathway) and for Clinical Endorsement. I am best suited to being a secondary supervisor as I do not have extensive experience guiding provisionals through the formalities of the internships.

I love offering perinatal and infant mental health related reflective supervision and clinical supervision to perinatal mental health professionals (including registered psychologists, social workers and counsellors). I am happy to offer one off sessions if there is a specific client or issue you would like some support to talk through or plan for regularly supervision to suit your ongoing needs as a therapist.

I have been working in the perinatal space for 8 years now. I started in private practice as a subcontractor and then went out on my own as a solo practitioner September 2022. I am a mum too, my twins are 5 and have experience navigating the challenges of returning to work and the new struggles arise when you are juggling your role as a parent and as a psychologist. I enjoy offering supervision around the challenges that can sometimes arise with navigating the clash between your personal identity (pregnancy, loss, returning from maternity leave) with expectations of your professional role (including supporting psychologists who are wanting to change direction in their career after becoming a parent).

I’m pretty informal and relaxed in my conversational style and while I love talking all things perinatal (and can get excited sharing what I know) I really try not to have power imbalance in my approach, there is no attitude of expert / I’m better than you, I don’t want people to feel intimidated or uncomfortable in the supervision session as its important supervisees feel safe and comfortable exploring their therapy challenges with me. 

The main areas I see a lot of clients in (and have extra training in) include:

  • Fertility / conception challenges

  • Challenging pregancies (medical complication, hyperemesis)

  • Traumatic births

  • Medical complications for bub / NICU stays

  • Multiple birth families

  • Loss (including pregnancy loss and newborn / young child death)

  • Attachment disruptions / bonding issues

  • Challenges adjusting to parenthood (including postnatal mental health issues)

If you think I may be a good fit for your supervision needs I’d love to chat to you further please fill out an enquiry form (here) or contact me directly on the email / mobile below